Thursday, June 17, 2010


So i just realized its been almost a month since my last posting. I can't even begin to say everything that's happened.

The networking opportunities are so great here. The professional staff is so willing to talk about their careers, the field, and give me advice about my upcoming job search. Like today, I coincidentally had lunch with one of the Assistant Deans of Students today and it was really productive to chat about UNC, the student population, and just have a professional to connect with. My supervisor is really great about that, too.

The students absolutely blow me away. Every day they do something that makes me wonder if I would have the same response when I was 18/19/20. They are really supportive of each other, which is helpful during stressful Orientation days. They are so smart and come up with feedback about the program and are really intentional about making Orientation a success. I so value interacting with them.

That's not to say that every day is easy. In fact, some days are downright hard. But, it's nice to have such a strong support system here and back home/Columbia. Whether they know it or not, the OLs have such a good way of picking me up out of a bad mood. When they have a good day, I have a good day.

Well, the day is just about halfway over in Session 5 (of 14). It's hard to believe I've already been here about five weeks. Orientation is going by fast. I'm also enjoying developing relationships with the other interns here in the Triangle. It's nice to have a set of other interns to hang out with, explore the Triangle, lots of fun stuff.

I'm learning so much not only about this field that I love but also about myself. One thing that seems to be a recurring trend is the importance of flexibility and communication. Sometimes, I feel like you can't have one without the other. I've learned how to have constructive conversations with colleagues, and although feedback is always something I've had a hard time with, I feel like I'm learning better ways to give and take feedback. All in all, I learn a little something every day.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Training Is Truckin' Along

Hey friends! Just realized its been a week since I posted...which is a testament to how busy I've been with OL training. We train from about 9am-9pm daily, so there's not much time for blogging. The OLs are absolutely fantastic- they blow my mind with something new every day. Today we had registration training. It is so stressful- how to register, what classes to take, how to prep first years for registration, all the requirements, prepping for sassy parents, a whole big tangled bunch. They took it all in so well- asking questions and taking notes. I was proud!
Their skit is also getting better. They have these two dances they do before and after the skit and honestly- they could be on So You Think You Can Dance. I think they're starting to get more comfortable with Nathalie and me, which is a big plus. We have four more full days of training, then one half day. Orientation starts June 3rd...sounds so far away but it is SO close.

This past weekend Nathalie and I went to Michaels to buy supplies for OL motivation. We're working really hard to make them a comfy space where they can relax, nap, hang out and have fun without the watchful eyes of families and new students. The unveil is tomorrow- hope they like what we've coming soon!

I am already learning so much from this internship. I find it interesting how my leadership style is changing to adapt to a different set of students. My supervisor says to treat this job as a lab and to try new things. I really appreciate how she is so supportive of Nathalie and me. She gives us a lot of great feedback and is really open to our questions and suggestions. I hope I can adapt a similar style with the OLs.

Small world moment- Today I met the Orientation academic advisors with the OLs, and one of them used to be the Assistant Director of Central Campus at USC! Two minutes later, I met another advisor who knows J-Bloom. How crazy. What a small world!

Every night, the OLs wrap up training with dance practice. They have this song about Carolina that I absolutely love. I joke about how every time they do it, they make me want to come to Carolina. I even bought a Carolina sweatshirt today and learned the words to the Alma Mater. I might become a Tarheel after all....

Monday, May 17, 2010

Pictures of My New Adventures

Just realized I haven't posted any photos of my room or any Chapel Hill things. So here we go!

This was the sign on my door when I got here last week. So awesome!

Here's some of my UNC favorite is the True Blue Traditions book!

A few pictures of my room. I actually really like it. Feels like home :)

View from the other side of the room.... Diploma of course :)

My FSU OL corner. OL '07/'08 Love! <3

The two closets. They knew I was coming.

That's all for now! Campus photos coming soon!

Showers, Laundry and Make-Up Free Faces

This summer is my first experience living in a community-style residence hall where the bathroom is shared by the floor. In undergrad, I lived in suite-style halls where three or four people share, so sharing with ten or twenty is a new adventure to say the least. It's going to be funny crossings paths with the OLs after showers in bathrobes or first thing in the morning in my PJs with crazy bedhead. Awkward.

I've decided to be positive- maybe this will make me see more approachable to my OLs? I mean, if anything it could lead to some laughs. And laughs always bring people together.

My Elementary Ed Days Are Comin' Back...

In a good way!

Here's a picture of the Orientation Leader door decorations. We're going to mat them on black construction paper and hang them on their doors tomorrow morning. We got the template off Google Images (love it) and then used Photoshop to use the official Carolina Blue color for the background. We're going to have little Carolina basketballs and baseballs on the walls in the training room, and their schedule has a sports theme. I am too proud of these. Don't make fun.

My First Chapel Hill Weekend

Today is the start of my second week here in Chapel Hill. Tomorrow the Orientation Leaders get here and training begins- so today is a lot of last minute finishing touches. I am so excited to start working with them and I hope that they think all the activities Nathalie and I have planned are as cool as we do!

This weekend was very relaxing. I stayed in the residence hall on Saturday to do some reading, take a really long nap, and just enjoy the down time before Orientation kicks in. Nathalie and I watched Step Up- I forgot how much I loved that movie- then watched Alec Baldwin on the SNL season finale- pretty funny! Sunday, Nathalie and I went to see Letters to Juliet at Southpoint Mall- a huge outdoor complex of shops, restaurants and entertainment (think Sandhill for my Cola friends). The movie was cute- definitely predicable. Honestly, I think Southpoint was more stimulating than the movie. I told Nathalie I had to put blinders on to prevent me from wandering in to one of the many stores that caught my eye. We went to SuperTarget- my first ST experience. Again- blinders- groceries only...although I did stumble into the dresses at one point but didn't try any on- willpower wins again.

After SuperTarget, I cleaned up my room in the residence hall and got organized for the week ahead. I'm really looking forward to having all 20 of the OLs here, even if it is really scary. I just hope I can inspire them to be as wonderful as I know they are. I've already noticed that UNC-CH students are different than other students I've worked with before, so I'm excited to see how that will change how I work with them. I love working with students so much, and even though it's not a whole lot of fun- Nathalie and I have planned some really purposeful and fun training activities for them. Hopefully they'll enjoy it.

Now, I'm getting ready to go into my second office staff meeting before another meeting with my supervisor. Tonight, Nathalie and I are going to try to navigate the laundry situation. More on that later.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Another reason...

Reason # 24893843 why I love Chapel Hill:
I saw two chipmunks and a baby rabbit on my walking commute. This place is like a Disney movie. Clearly my mothership.